We want to give you all an update on how Jeremiah's umbilical hernia is doing. His doctor told us that it could take 12-18 months to heal. That it is normal and that every child is born with an opening there from where the nutrition went in. The opening usually heals and closes within two weeks after birth, which is when the umbilical cord stump falls off. If it has not closed by the time the cord stump falls off then you can start to see a protrusion and now have an umbilical hernia. Which is what happened to Jeremiah.
But with your prayers and God's healing hand it has gone down a lot! It is not gone completely, but is definitely a lot smaller. We believe that it will be healed way before the doctor said. We wanted to encourage those of you who had and are praying for our Jeremiah. We thank you for your prayers and ask that God would pour out a special blessing on you for your faithfulness in prayer.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. May God bless you for all you do for our family!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Udate on Jeremiah's Umbilical Hernia
Made with love by The Blossoming Mom 2 special thoughts
Monday, September 22, 2008
Jeremiah Rolled Over Today!!
September 22, 2008
Jeremiah is 10 Weeks & 1 Day
Today Jeremiah discovered how to roll over for the first time. Paul was home for lunch and was playing with Jeremiah on the floor. He laid him down on his favorite blanket and I helped him roll from his back to his tummy, then without any hesitation he rolled from his tummy to his back! Paul and I looked at each other with shock written all over our faces. Paul ran and got the video camera and we tried to get it on tape. He struggled a bit but sure enough he rolled over again. We were so excited. Later that night he rolled over 5 more times and we got a few of them on tape. Hope you enjoy the video. We love our little "Young Man"!
Made with love by The Blossoming Mom 5 special thoughts
A Few of My Favorite Things!
Jeremiah has become attached to a few things and we have noticed that they are his favorite out of everything that he has. He loves to snuggle with this blanket and this tigger. He will grab them and rub them on his face. If he is upset or cranky and you give him one or both of these he calms down and relaxes right away. So thank you Marilyn for the tigger and Jeff & Sarah for the blanket. Another favorite thing of Jeremiah's is his blue elephant that Grammy Linda got him. It's a little too big for him to hold onto. But he laughs and smiles at it all the time. We have named it "Elly the Elephant".
Made with love by The Blossoming Mom 1 special thoughts
Monday, September 15, 2008
Jeremiah is 2 months and 2 days old today!
Jeremiah has changed and grown so much this past month. Today he went for his 2 month checkup and immunizations. He now weighs 13lbs. and is 24in long. The doctor told us that he is very strong for his age and is actually one month ahead in development. He has had many more firsts this month, including his first airplane ride to California, his first time swimming, his first time sleeping through the night (91/2) hrs.), his first time meeting Great Grandmother Hulda, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and new friends.
He is almost rolling over and really starting to grab things with meaning now. He is cooing and talking in baby talk a lot more and a lot louder. He loves to watch Daddy come home in his big truck and smiles when he sees him. He enjoys going for walks in his stroller and seeing the great outdoors. We have enjoyed seeing his personality develop and come forth. We love the "little man" he is becoming and look forward to seeing what God has in store for Jeremiah.
Made with love by The Blossoming Mom 2 special thoughts
Monday, September 8, 2008
Jeremiah's Trip To California
This week Jeremiah visited his grandparents Martin and Bea Laufer in California! He had to travel to visit them because Grandpa Martin is under doctor's orders restricting travel. While there he was also able to meet his Uncle Nate and Aunt Marsha, Uncle Scott and Aunt Christine, his cousins Avery and Mia, and his Great Grandmother Hulda! Other firsts for Jeremiah include his first time swimming and his first CPAC party!
Jeremiah's favorite activities in California were spending time with family and "swimming".
Made with love by The Blossoming Mom 2 special thoughts