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Friday, October 24, 2008

Jeremiah Holds Bottle By Himself

Yesterday Jeremiah held the bottle for the first time. This may be late compared to other babies because he does not get the bottle with mommie's milk in it very often. For some reason he doesn't think I have as much milk as I used to, so he is having a more difficult time nursing, even though I have plenty of milk. So, recently I have been pumping a little bit more and giving him the bottle. Here he is holding the bottle for the first time.

He figured it out by himself, so I grabbed the camera and took some pictures. Later that night I gave him another bottle and daddie got it on video. Hope you enjoy!!


4 special thoughts:

Grammy Linda said...

Hi Jeremiah,

Congrats on holding your own bottle! You are so lucky to have a Mommy and Daddy that let everyone know about all your little milestones in your few short months of life I know we all appreciate it so much. Grammy Linda can't remember when you were not here because you are so much a part of my heart and life! I love you and your Mommy & Daddy too...

Neabear said...

So cute. It is so fun to see Jeremiah on video and you too Liz. So cool. He is such a cutie. Did you see the latest pics of my granddaughter on Shawna's blog? So cute in her pirate halloween costume.

Archer said...

Wow! He is getting so big. I agree that it is great to see both Jeremiah and Liz on video. Can't wait to see more fun tidbits of your lives out there!

Neabear said...

We are looking forward to the video conference after Martin comes back to his house. I have never done that before. Should be cool. We are traveling today to LA. Happy Halloween!