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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happiest Half Birthday to Our Tuffy Elijah!


I am 6 months old!

We cannot believe that Elijah is already 6 months old! He got more shots and handled them like a champ. He now weighs 14lbs 2oz (3%). He is 23 1/4 in. (13%). Elijah is growing well from where he started. His growing curve is going up even though he is really small compared to others his age. Our Pediatrician is not concerned at all.

Elijah had his first cold this month. He had a really hard time breastfeeding because he could not breath out of his nose. He likes easting out of the bottle now and we are giving him milk that has been pumped more often than the breast.

He also went to the zoo for the first time. He had a hard time seeing any of the animals because he was stuck in the stroller the whole time. He did loved being outside although his little eyes are so sensitive to the bright sun.

He is such a sweet and content baby. Elijah has such a way for bringing peace to such chaotic situations. When things are going crazy and everyone is melting down, he remains clam and peaceful. He is definitely the calm in our storm. We love it when he looks into our eyes. It's like he's looking into our soul. We know God has many great things in store for Elijah! 

These past 6 months have just flown by. We are looking forward to seeing him grow and interact with his siblings more. His first Easter, camping trips, first steps, first trip to Cali., first "real" word, and so much more.

Thank you God for this precious gift of our second son!!

Love this expression!!

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