Elijah's 3rd Birthday!

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Rachel's 4th Birthday

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Jeremiah's 6th Birthday!!

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Our 8th Anniversary!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 29, 2009

Life in Colorado (one year later)

Just after Jeremiah was born 2008
It's hard to believe that it has been a year since moving to Colorado! There has been so much that has changed. It took time to get used to being far away from our family and friends. Time to adjust to being parents and for Paul starting over at a new company. Since moving from California we have become parents, are expecting our second child (our first girl), help do the sound for our church, experienced a "true" fall season, experienced our first "whiteout conditions", got a new car, made new friends (most of whom are from Cali.), had our first holiday without our family, experienced what it is like to travel at Christmas, experienced "true" thunderstorms, learned how to draw strength from each other, learned that no matter how tired, sick and worn out you are you cannot call mom to come bail you out, and yet through it all Paul and I would not change a thing.

I do find myself lonely at times and I know that people want us to come back to Cali. but there truly is no other place I would rather be that right where God has called us. We are happy and can hardly believe that it has already been a whole year since leaving Cali. We are looking forward to this next year and what God has in store for us and our family in the future.

Thank you to all of you for your prayers and support in coming out here. We could not have done it without you. Life is really wonderful if you take the time stop and smell the roses.

Balboa Park May 2007

Balboa Park May 2007

Balboa Park May 2007

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jeremiah Swimming

Here is a video of Jeremiah enjoying the pool on our vacation in Aspen, Co. He loved this pool so much!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

JP turns 10 months old

Our little boy who is not so little anymore, is already 10 months old! Some of the newest things that he has been doing is...waving "bye" with meaning now. Although he is selective at who he waves bye to. Plays peek-a-boo with us by pulling the blanket up over his head then pulls it down and waits for us to say "peek-a-boo". He has started to "share" his toys with us, which we are trying to encourage with our new girl on the way. He has three teeth now on the bottom and is just starting to get the two top teeth. He loves to dance to music (as most of you know from watching the dance video). He loves to give us "5" when we ask him to. He is starting to point at things that are of interest to him and making sounds that to us tell us he wants to know what it is.

But his most accomplished thing this month that he has worked so hard on is walking. He is balancing and taking two steps and then falling forward. It should not be too long now before he is truly walking around. "Look out world I am going to be walking soon!"

We are working with him on being gentle when touching people and using his inside voice. He is a boy after all and is rough, tumble and loud. He loves to scream and squeal to communicate. We are hoping that our new baby girl will be immune to all the noise from hearing Jeremiah in the womb.

JP has some new favorite things. They include this blanket and turtle. He is so attached to them. He will crawl around with them in his hand reminding us of Linus from peanuts who always went everywhere with his blanket in hand. Here he is with his favorite things...

This is a video of Jeremiah learning to crawl, getting the whole crawling thing down and him taking off like "Speedy Gonzales" which is how he crawls today.

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's A....

20 Weeks &
4 Days

I had an ultrasound today of Baby Laufer #2. It's a standard ultrasound to check to see that the baby is developing normally. We are always excited at the opportunity to see our baby! The technician had a hard time seeing the spine of the baby so the she pushed onto my tummy to try and get the baby to move. The baby did not want to move at all (well, baby was moving but just not how the technician wanted).

Jeremiah, on the other hand, wanted to move all around. He was tired from missing his afternoon nap. He was waving to me, squealing so loud that it hurt our ears, and wanted to get down and crawl around. He finally calmed down in Daddy's arms and feel asleep. Then we were able to pay more attention to the new baby and all that we were seeing.

We got to see and hear the heart beating which was 146bpm (within the normal range). It's amazing what you can see with an ultrasound. The technician told us that everything looked really well and would be double checked by our doctor, who informed us that everything is looking very healthy.

Before we went into the doctor's office I asked Paul, "One last chance, do you think we are having a boy or a girl?" He said, "Boy." He asked me the same question and I said, "Girl." So he said, "The looser will buy the other lunch." We had been going back and forth about whether or not to find out the gender (more me than Paul, he always wanted to find out) but decided that we just could not wait to find out. So when she got a good view to show us she said it's a...Girl!!!!

The technician showed us that it was for sure a girl. We were both so excited. Paul sounded a little shocked, even though he had a dream that we were having a girl. So I guess he owes me lunch.

We are so happy and blessed by God to be given this girl. Thank you God for Your many and wonderful blessings!!

We ask that you would continue to pray for our family and our new baby girl Laufer, that God would grant us that strength and knowledge to raise her to know God at an early age and to always trust in Him to be the head of her life.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jeremiah Dancing

Today we had some fun with Jeremiah "dancing" and took some video. We hope you laugh as much as we did!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Erika Laufer's Blanket

I thought I would share with everyone the blanket that I made for Nate and Marsha's little girl. I gave it to them at their baby shower. I thought that those that love to do crafts and especially crochet would love to see it. So with that said I hope that you like what I made...enjoy!