Just after Jeremiah was born 2008It's hard to believe that it has been a year since moving to Colorado! There has been so much that has changed. It took time to get used to being far away from our family and friends. Time to adjust to being parents and for Paul starting over at a new company. Since moving from California we have become parents, are expecting our second child (our first girl), help do the sound for our church, experienced a "true" fall season, experienced our first "whiteout conditions", got a new car, made new friends (most of whom are from Cali.), had our first holiday without our family, experienced what it is like to travel at Christmas, experienced "true" thunderstorms, learned how to draw strength from each other, learned that no matter how tired, sick and worn out you are you cannot call mom to come bail you out, and yet through it all Paul and I would not change a thing.
I do find myself lonely at times and I know that people want us to come back to Cali. but there truly is no other place I would rather be that right where God has called us. We are happy and can hardly believe that it has already been a whole year since leaving Cali. We are looking forward to this next year and what God has in store for us and our family in the future.
Thank you to all of you for your prayers and support in coming out here. We could not have done it without you. Life is really wonderful if you take the time stop and smell the roses.
Balboa Park May 2007

Balboa Park May 2007

Balboa Park May 2007